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Chinese Club of San Marino was founded in 1979 as a non-profit organization, and our mission is to promote cultural exchange, educational development, and community service.  We are committed to the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our mission.

Chinese School of San Marino was established by Chinese Club to promote the culture exchange, and it has helped many local children and adults to learn Chinese and Chinese culture. Chinese Club has annul fund raising gala, and we use the fund to help the local schools and community services.  Our annual gala and community activities also help to bridge all races in the community and promote our core values of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

聖瑪利諾華人協會是非營利組織于1979年成立。成立的目的是為了要支持和促進文化交流, 教育發展, 社區服務, 和社區和諧。華人協會為了傳承中華文化設立了中文學校。自成立以來, 中文學校為華人社區培養了無數接受中文教育和中華文化薰陶的華人子女, 同時也幫助許多本地美國小孩和成人學習中文, 促進了文化的交流。

華協每年舉辦許多活動, 教育課程, 和服務社區的項目。每年華協舉辦的中秋募款晚會更是華協非常重要的一項活動。 中秋晚會滙集了社區團體和居民共襄盛舉, 一起為社區募款, 華協再將獲得的款項捐贈給學校和社區內的各個不同的公益圑體, 並用於幫助社區各種的公益活動。

華協從開創協會的理事們到暦屆及現仼的理事們經過不斷的努力與奉獻, 經由持續的公益活動得到了社區居民的支持與肯定。

展望未來, 華協希望能遵循華協的宗旨更深入的幫助社區, 並期盼社區居民也能加入華協義工的行列, 為社區創造更美好的未來。


TEL: 626-796-5190  / FAX: 626-796-5180 /   / 2425 Huntington Dr. San Marino, CA 91108 / Mon - Fri 2-6 PM

© 2021 by Chinese Club of San Marino. All rights reserved.

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