2425 Huntington Dr. San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: 626-796-5190 Fax: 626-796-5180 Info@ccsm.org
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 2 pm - 6 pm

Click here to Donate to Wildfire Relief

On Saturday 2/8/25 from 10AM to 5PM, the Chinese Club of San Marino (CCSM) will host the annual Lunar New Year Festival at Lacy Park in San Marino. Through this free city event, CCSM hopes to promote cultural exchange and interaction among community residents. For 2025, the Year of the Snake, it will be an especially important time for us to unite together after the devastating fires that have affected so many of our friends and neighbors. At the festival, CCSM will have a donation booth to raise funds for fire relief. The event will both be a wish for good health and fortune as well as a call for solidarity and support for each other during this difficult time.
The CCSM Lunar New Year Festival will feature various performances, delicious food, fun games, cultural displays, and interesting booths. If any residents or organizations would like to participate in the stall activities or performances, please contact Chinese Club of San Marino. Thank you to the City of San Marino, San Marino Unified School District, community organizations, and residents for their support. We also appreciate immensely the commercial companies for their kind sponsorship.
We will need many volunteers to make this event successful; please contact CCSM to volunteer.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Lunar New Year of the Snake. Thank you!
2/8/25 周六上午10點到下午5點,聖瑪利諾華人協會將在Lacy Park舉辦農曆新年園遊會。我們希望經由這個活動促進文化交流和社區居民的互動以幫助社區的和諧。華協將在會場做山火災基金募款。這項活動既是對身體健康和好運的祝愿,也希望大家在這個困難時期互相團結和支持!期待和大家在園遊會見面!
園遊會將有各種精彩表演,各式美食,各種遊戲,文化展示,和許多有趣的攤位。如果有居民或是組織想要參與攤位或是表演請和華人協會聯絡。感謝聖馬利諾市政府、學區、和社區組織以及居民們的支持。 也非常謝謝商業公司的贊助。
我們需要許多義工,如果您想要擔任園遊會義工,請和我們聯絡。祝福大家新年平安! 新年快樂!謝謝!